On Wednesday, October 1st, the Birthday Book Club Letter and Form will be going out to all students in grades K-5. Last year, the Library received over 100 books through the BBC. I know this year we will even more successful!
The Birthday Book Club is a program to give families the opportunity to celebrate their child’s birthday by donating a book to the school’s library. Families may donate a book in honor of their child’s birthday or donate money to the library for us to purchase a book their honor. This is a wonderful opportunity for families to recognize their child’s birthday while helping to enhance the library’s collection.
How does the Birthday Book Club work? At the beginning of each month, a sign up form will go home to students whose birthdays are in that month. If you are interested in participating in the Birthday Book Club, please fill out the form and return it to your child’s classroom teacher. Families may donate up to $15.00 for a birthday book or may choose to donate a brand new book of their choice. A bookplate will be placed inside the book to recognize the student’s special day and contribution. At the end of the month, participants will be called to the library to see their donations. A photo will be taken of all the students with their donation and they will be the first to check out their books.
Please help us celebrate our student’s birthdays. If you have any questions about the Birthday Book Club program, please contact Katie Cerasale-Messina, the A.C Whelan School’s Librarian, at 781-388-7510. Copies of the letter and the form can be found on the Library Web Site under the link "Library Documents: Students and Parents.